Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Baby is Growing Up!

Ava is now just shy of 18mths and we have given up bottles!  Now some of you out there may think it is high time, but I am not a cold turkey sort of person and have no need to end something abruptly.  It's sad to think of my angel no longer in my arms sucking on a bottle while I pray and thank God for her.  She is such a blessing and I have so much to learn from her.  Now we have started a new routine...play, bath, snack, brush teeth, read, pray and bed.  Last night Pappy Dukehart lovingly helped me move an old sofa (Pappy and Grandmother's old sofa) to Ava's bedroom so that Blake, Ava and I can read in comfort.  Last night was a hit because it was new, but I am not sure how the rest of the week will go.  When Ed is home our hope is to alternate putting the kids down.  One night a week I will just have Blake and one night I will just have Ava.  Our hope is that both kids feel good about whomever puts them to sleep.  Right now Blake walks in his Daddy's shadow and Ava walks in mine.  The first night I have Blake and Ed has Ava should be eventful. Next item to give up...Nuk (please keep us in your prayers:)

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