Friday, August 19, 2011

Back on the Homestead

Lately I have been up to my eyeballs in canning.  My hands are the living proof, they are dry and yellowish from cutting up fruit.  So on Monday I decided to keep going and make salsa.  My best friend Sheila gave me this recipe last year, but it has taken me until now to try it out.  I had a lot of tomatoes (thanks to my garden and my Uncle Jim's garden) and we had onions (thanks to Ed's brother Jim).  The other ingredients we bought, but I think it is more "homegrown" than not.  Ed entertained the kids and I got busy.  I did have to call Sheila and give her a good laugh when I asked how to peel a tomato, did I mention that I have never made salsa and I wasn't raised in home where we canned anything.  She laughed then talked me through the steps.  In honesty I also asked her how to cut up the tomato and get the seeds out...go ahead and chuckle.  Through the laugh she informed me not to seed the tomatoes and just throw them in my food processor.  The only problem is that I only know one thing on my food processor and that is puree!  Let's just say I didn't want to make my salsa chunky.  All in all I am thrilled with my salsa and so is my husband.  We have gone through 3 pints and have another one open!!!!!  And to think that Ed questioned me on why I was making salsa.  I don't think it will last us until the Super Bowl!

Here is my giant pot of salsa.  Looks delicious, don't you think?

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