Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Toddler Bed, Oh My!

Today we (I mean Ed) turned Blake's crib into a TODDLER BED!  It scares me that he is growing up so fast, I just want to hold onto him and never let go.  I guess all moms go through this, but I was actually happy to see him excited and so far nap is going well.  I am so proud of all the new accomplishments Blake is making.  Ed did talk to me today about take Blake hunting out of state after Christmas.  I will probably cry, so Mom I know you are reading this, can we plan a girls trip?  I don't think I can stay at home while my first baby is in the treacherous woods with only the bare essentials.  I'm sure I will blog about this topic at another time.
Any way, here is Blake and his new BED.  Can someone tell me when we buy bedding, like sheets and blankets that you tuck in? 
Ava enjoyed Blake's new bed too.  To make her feel good we lowered her bed to the lowest setting.  I know you are probably thinking we should have already done this, she is such a monkey.
Can you tell he is thrilled?

Thumbs up to the new bed!

Ava couldn't miss out on her picture being taken:)

Two peas in a pod!  Can't you just see them sleeping together?  They are such good Best Friends.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Chicken or Turkey Pot Pie

I am not one that boasts about her cooking, because I don't feel that I am a good cook.  I get by and I like to cook and bake, evidence is on my hips, butt, stomach, etc.
I came across this recipe in one of my magazines and gave it a whirl with a few tweaks.  My husband says it is his favorite, which is high praise since his mom is a wonderful chief.

Turkey Pot Pie (great for upcoming holiday, but I used Chicken)

2 cups Turkey or Chicken (I used an oven roaster, one that it is oven ready, just put in a roasting pan and bake)
1 cup stuffing (I used the box type because it has all the seasonings in it) if you don't have stuffing or prefer not use stuffing add 1 onion, chopped some dried herbs and salt & pepper
2 cups mixed veggies (I used leftovers from dinner: corn and peas, but can add frozen veggies)
1/2 cup chicken broth (used all the drippings from roasted chicken)
2 cups cream of chicken soup (1 -2 cans depends how thick you want it)
1 pie crust (get from store or make at home)

Combine all ingredients except pie crust in a saucepan.  Heat until warmed through and herbs release fragrance.  Use more or less soup to find a thickness to your liking.  Pour into individual ramekins, I used casserole dishes or use deep dish pie pan and cover with pie crust.  Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until crust is golden and flaky.

* I made 7 meals with one roasted chicken!  The first night we just ate off the roasted chicken, night two I used chicken and mixed with rice and then I made 3 casseroles.  You can freeze them and then it will need to bake for 1hour at 350.
* This week at Martins or Giant the Chickens I use are on sale for $8.99.

I made my own pie crust, because I had the ingredients on hand so here is the recipe for pie crusts.

1 Tbsp sugar
4 cups flour
2tsp. salt
1 3/4 cup Crisco

1 egg - beaten
1 Tbsp. vinegar
1/2 cup water

Combine sugar, flour and salt.

Add Crisco - cut into dry mixture until coarse

Beat egg, vinegar and water together and add to dry ingredients.

Makes 4-5 crusts depending on how thin you make them.  You can refrigerate.

You Might Be a Redneck...

If you pull your kids behind a four wheeler on sleds and there is no snow!

Yes, this is my husband and two adorable kids yesterday playing outside.  Leave it to my husband to come up with this idea.  Blake thinks the same way, so I can only imagine what he will be doing in the coming years:)

Friends and Fall

Holly called me up the other night to see if I could watch her girls while she did a photo shoot, of course I was thrilled to do this for her. We had a great morning.  We played inside then went outdoors to get some fresh air and run some steam off.  We had a snack and made a craft and played with Blake's new train set.  Honestly with four children in the house it was soooo quiet, Yes I said QUIET!  They entertained one another and stayed busy that I even folded some clothes.  It was an honor to watch Kate and Ellie.

Scarecrows, in case you were wondering!

Happy Fall Yall!

Okay, I realize I have already posted SNOW, but the truth is God did bless us recently with some fall type weather too.  We have been busy raking leaves and jumping or sliding into them.  The kids really enjoy when they have "something" assigned for them to do.  I doubt this faze will last so I better enjoy it now.  Daddy and Blake also made trails through the leaves, like an obstacle course, and we had races through it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What I love about three year olds

There are many things I love about my three year old son, but these three will crack you up!

1.  They don't mind getting their nails painted.  I mean if Mommy is painting hers and Ava is asking for her nails to be painted then surely I should too.
I tried painting them with this clear coat (so Daddy wouldn't have a cow), but he wanted PINK nails!

Sorry you can't see the color on his nails, but look how happy he is.  Don't we all just want to "fit"in.

2.  Who cares if you drive a Barbie four wheeler, it moves with the touch of button and doesn't Daddy have a four wheeler too?
This is a two thumbs up toy!  Great yard sale find Mom!

3.  Why do girls have long hair and boys short?  Can't I wear pretty barrets and bands?

They could be twins?

Good thing he has on camo!
Who knows maybe one day this will be good blackmail????

Blake's 3rd Birthday Party

We had a Thomas the Train theme for his party.  No I did not make this cake, could you tell?
We celebrated Blake with our family on Sunday.  I first have to say that I have the best family and support around.  Everyone we invited (19) was able to come and I think that says a lot about my family and this busy world we live in that everyone took the time and made the effort to be here.  My grandparents traveled 30+ minutes to be here, whom we affectionally call "Happy Pappy" and "Grand Mary".  My parents came, of course it could have been a blizzard and they would be here to see Blake (and Ava too).  Ed's parents came, now they didn't have far to travel (they are our neighbors), but we already celebrated Blake the weekend before with them, but they made decision to come to this too.  My brother worked, but came after work and his wife had to run their oldest daughter, Lauren, to sing at a Memorial, but they came directly after.  My sister Sheila and her family had a function and came after it (she's more than a best friend, she's a sister).  My other sister, Holly (again more than a best friend) came with her family and they just got home the day before from Disney.  Let's just say I feel the love!
The party was a lot of fun.  Grand Mary said it was like an eposide of Peanuts with all the children running around.  We ate, had cake and ice cream, opened presents and caught up with everyone.  These are the memories I will cherish and think of as the "good ol' days".

Happy 3rd Birthday Blake

Friday, November 4th we celebrated Blake's birthday, just the four of us.  Mommy made pancakes for breakfast and then Blake opened his presents.  He got the game "Chutes and Ladders" and a Home Depot Chainsaw!  All he really wanted was a chainsaw, and thankfully he told me in plenty of time so that I could find the right one.  Probably for a solid month he has wanted a chainsaw, because Daddy has been outside cutting up skids to put in our outdoor wood stove.  He is Daddy's little helper. 
After some playtime we all headed over to Chucky Cheese's for lunch.  It was a great time to go because it wasn't packed and the kids could really play all sorts of games.  Blake liked any game that had a ball in it, whether you caught it in a basket or tried to make it in a basket that was the game for him.  Ava liked all the rides, pony, tractor, car, train, anything that moved.  Daddy took Blake over to claim his prizes and he came back with 2 items for himself and 2 for his sister, what a boy. 

Not sure if he is willing to share this new toy, yet!

This is the beginning of power tools!
 After lunch the kids feel asleep in the car and well that was apparently a nap for them (10 min).  We had dinner and ate cake and ice cream and sang (Ava has been practicing this song daily) then headed outside to run around and played a game of Chutes and Ladders.  Blake took first prize, Daddy came in 2nd, Ava won 3rd place and poor Mommy came in last.  We really had a great day.  Blake even told Daddy, "that was a fun day" and gave him a huge hug that night (melted his heart because normally he works on Friday, but used a vacation day for this special occasion...this melted my heart).
May not look thrilled, but he is:)

Now if this grin doesn't brighten your day...

Don't look too close at this cake, yes I created this masterpiece!

Hard at work!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Blake is 3

Three years ago at 10:23pm Blake was born and the minute he was in our arms we were over joyed with happiness.  I never knew that type of love before nor that my heart actually would feel bigger or fuller by having a baby, but he certainly makes my heart happy.  Blake entered the world after a two days of contractions (yes, ladies and I lived to tell the story).  He was born on Election Day.  My sister-in-law, Lori, made a sign saying, "We voted for Blake".  It was a very tense birth and I wasn't the first to hold him, both of which were tough to swallow, but on the other hand he was healthy and I was thrilled with that blessing.  Blake has always been "easy".  He is more on the quiet side, content, doesn't complain and easy going. He is the apply of my eye and I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished.  He has proven to be a hard worker and no job is too big for him.  I love how he always wants to help us out whether dusting or emptying the truck bed of wood.  Blake you have made Motherhood a joy and blessing, just by being born and being your wonderful self.  May all your dreams come true honey.  As I say to him every night "You are a kind, loving, smart and handsome boy.  We are so proud of who you are".