Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blake Turns...4!

It's hard to believe that my baby boy is now 4 years old.  Of course, he would inform me that he isn't a baby, but a "big boy".  And he would be right he is definitely growing up, but I still get to squeeze in those special moments of holding him and kissing him and tickling him:)  I am holding on to that as long as I can...like all mom's do.
I am so proud of my little boy and all that he has done this year.  He had numerous swimming lessons at the YMCA and he really improved not just in swimming, but confidence.  He started the year in water babies 2, where I swam with him.  Grandmother came too b/c Ava was in the same class.  He is now in the next step, Pike, where he swims without me.  I knew he would be able to follow directions but I was nervous about him speaking up and doing the swimming without me in the pool.  The week before class I told him he would swim with Miss Emily not Mommy.  He took it well...no complainants, but I could tell he was trying to decide if he was okay with swimming.  Turns out he marched right over to were the kids sit and swam like a champ.  I think he did better without me!  He can bob underwater and at the end could do 5 bobs on the side of the wall without help.  He answered questions (What are the pool rules?) at least by end of the class he did:)  Even though every night at dinner before class we would go over the rules.  The one thing he was not fond of was getting his ears in the water, but Miss Emily showed him how to get it out by shaking.  He jumped in the pool by himself with very little hesitation, which was great b/c a lot of the boys would not jump at all.  He was comfortable to talk tell Miss Emily when he needed a tissue (allergy season), she couldn't get over how polite he was, a proud mommy moment.  The only thing he didn't like is no time to play with toys at the end:)
Blake is also a wonderful and gentle big brother.  Ava is fortunate to have Blake, not only as a playmate, but someone who loves her with all his heart and protects her instinctively.  It is a blessing to watch them grow as people but as a family too.  They are really using their imaginations now and coming up the most creative things...four wheeler now a plow.  Most days they play well with one another and really love having each other to do things with...yes, sometimes Mommy has to clean!  If he wakes up from nap first or in the morning and has something to share, Ava is the first person he thinks of to share his treasure or thought to.  Bless Ava, she really listens intently to Blake or shows lots of emotion to a treasure.  Blake loves to hold Ava, can even pick her up and hates to hear her cry.  He has even learned how to distract her when she is upset by showing or pointing something out to her in an attempt to calm her down.  Blake's heart is so big and generous imparticular when it comes to his little sister.  As parents it warms our hearts to see quality.
Blake is also learning a lot: ABC's, Numbers 1-20, Colors, Shapes, Animals, Sounds of letters... now not perfect but really working on these.  He also is learning to use the computer (great preschool website:  www.starfall.com) and working with scissors and glue.  These are the two newest things we introduced him to.  He loves to make things even crafts.  With the bad weather the other week we made countless crafts and he was asking to make an alligator puppet and said, "Mom, just get on the computer and find out how."  I have a new love of Pinterest b/c of all the great craft and educational ideas at my fingertips.  He enjoys playing games he got Hungry Hippos as his birthday gift and we are teaching him UNO.  He's not fond of losing, but this is part of growing too.
A few things that rate at the top for Blake:  Favorite Show: Poppy Cat or Kipper, Favorite Color: Blue, Favorite Movie:  Disney Cars ( loves Mater and Lighting McQueen), Favorite Book: Any book, he loves to pick out different books to read, we generally read the same one for two days then move to a new one, Favorite Friend: Brady (his cousin) Favorite thing to play: Cars, r Football or baseball, Farm or ride Bike, Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese (box kind) and P.B.J. (such an easy kid) and smoothies.
Last but not least Blake loves his Daddy and looks up to him with gazing eyes of wonder and admiration.  It actually chokes me up to watch the two of them outside working together.  He idolizes his Daddy, which makes me grateful b/c he has a wonderful dad to look up to.  He is just as observant as his daddy which cracks me up.  The other day he told me he wants to big so he can be like Daddy and do all that he can do!  As for me I marvel in the little moments that he gives me.  He knows when I am having a tough day or moment and stops to give me a hug and/or kiss and says, "that make you happy mommy?"  oh, boy does it ever.  He is so sweet and considerate of my feelings and wants his family to be happy because that makes him happy!  Oh, how I love you my sweet baby boy:)

1 comment:

  1. He is a special grandson also. So polite and such a good listener. We love him so much and love seeing his little milestones of learning.
    Love you.
    Grandmother and Pappy
