We celebrated Brad's birthday rather late because of Ava's party, Super Bowl and his work schedule, but we finally had a Sunday available over the weekend to have a party.
Brad is my only brother, my only sibling, and he is MUCH older than I, but some how we can still connect! He has four beautiful/handsome children and a loving wife (what she doesn't have to put up with!). Any way on a serious note, Brad is great husband, father, son, and brother. I know that no matter what I face I can always turn to him and he will not judge or criticize, but open his heart for love and advice. He is a great man and I love him.
On a funny note, Mom had a delicious ice cream cake made for Brad's birthday. I am certain, absolutely positive that she took in a picture of Brad (hunting photo) and said could you replicate this photo on cake for me. Well here it is: Brad (the day of party) and his cake! Can you see the resemblance? Well, I laughed so hard that I had tears streaming down my face. Ed told me that he was downstairs with kids and heard me laughing so hard that he had to come up and see what was going on. Ed's comment was the hunter's (Brad's) beak was larger than the gun.
I know you are wondering two things 1. Why are you posting this now...so far after b-day and party? 2. Where is the photo?
Well, I did not have my camera so I relied on my niece to take the picture and send to me on my phone...Lauren, where is it???? Haha! This is also the reason the post is so late...Lauren! Haha :)